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UTC1002感应式交通信号控制机的主要特点: 1.标准19吋6U插箱结构. 2.具备全感应、半感应和模糊感应叁种感应控制模式. 3.48路机动车信号灯16路人行信号灯驱动能力. 4.输入输出全部采用光电隔离技术. 5.具备16套时段方案,每个方案又可分为18个时段. 6.具备16套配时方案. 7.具备多种控制模式:多时段多方案手动控制黄闪控制定周期控制半感应控制全感应控制模糊感应控制无线协调控制 When a signal is installed, multiple 2 meter by 2 meter coils of wire are placed under the road surface. These wires are connected to the controller equipment. A small electrical signal is present on the wires and when a vehicle drives over the loops it changes the inductance value on the wire. This change of inductance is recognized as a vehicle presence and the controller acts accordingly. Vehicles should always stop at the white "stop bar" painted on the road. This is where the last loop in your lane is located. Usually there are multiple loops per lane in order to achieve good vehicle detection. Loops can also count vehicles. The UTC1002 Vehicle Actuated Controller be designed based on“GA47-2002 Vehicle signal Controller standard”.and passed the examnation do by the traffic saffty product quality supervision testing center of china . 1、Operation modes: 1.1、 Pre timed: The signal serves each phase of traffic without sensing any traffic at the signal. user specifiable cycle and approach times.It has 16 day plans ,and every day can be dived into 18 timing durations,overise,there are 16 timing plans can be selectde in every timing durations. 1.2、 Semi Actuated: The main flow of traffic won’t sense any traffic, but the side street senses cars. 1.3、 Fully Actuated: All phases of traffic sense cars and the signal cycles on demand. The controller is programmed for minimum and maximum green times. The green phase of traffic will terminate in two ways: The green phase served its maximum time, or the phase "gapped out" (excessive amounts of time between cars). 2、Features and Specifications: 2.1、Display:8 LED numeric Display 2.2、Traffic Control : expandable intersection control up to 16 Vehicle signal groups ,16 Pedestrian signal groups. 2.3、built-in 16 different timing.maximum 18 timing segments execuition per day. 2.4、Up to 16 vehicle detectors. 2.5、keyboaed: 21 keybuttons。 2.6、Working temperature. -40℃ to 70℃ 2.7、Optional operation modes include semi or fully vehicle actuated. 2.8、8 phases, confict monitoring. 2.9、Power Suply Voltage: 220VAC±20% 50Hz±3Hz 2.10、Cabinet:IP45
UTC100A智能型交通信号控制机的设计依据是新国标GA47-2002,并吸收了京三、SCATS、SCOOTS系统的部分优点。该系统是在公安部交通安全产品检测中心、中国人民公安大学的专家指导下设计完成。UTC100A智能型交通信号控制机由主控板、灯驱动板、电源板、扩展板等多种功能模块插件板,以及配电板、接线端子排、避雷器等组成。该产品执行GA47-2002标准. 功能与特点: 1。信号机的设置方式灵活,可利用本机自带的键盘与LED显示屏现场设置。 2。采用了EMC电磁兼容性设计技术,系统具备抗雷电浪涌冲击,抗周期跌落,抗群脉冲干扰,抗静电干扰的能力,具有很好的电磁兼容性。 对LED交通信号灯有很好的保护作用。
单车道交通信号智能控制系统 该系统适用于单车道双向交替通车的交通信号控制场合。不管单车道是斜坡或者是转弯盘旋,都能使用.单车道通道单段的长度最大可以到达2500米。此外两个方向的通行速度可以不一样。整个系统由环型地埋线圈、两组红绿灯、车辆检测器、UTC1000智能型交通信号控制机所组成。 UTC系列交通信号控制系统,其设计依据是GA47-2002《道路交通信号控制机》标准,此外,也参考了日本警事厅京三最新的A03交通信号控制系统,吸取了SCATS,SCOOTS系统的部分优点。该系列产品已经按照GA47-2002国家标准,通过公安部交通安全产品监测中心的全项检测(编号2004-024),并获得了国家专利(ZL01254878.2)
为了配合高校交通控制课程的教学,高等院校交通控制实验系统 提供了4组8人的实验平台,可以完成相位、半感应全感应、无线遥控、交通管制、绿波带等等的实验。
交通信号控制系统是现代城市交通指挥系统的关键设备之一。UTC1000集中协调式交通信号控制机的设计依据是新国标GB25280-2010,并吸收了著名的日本京三、SCATS、SCOOTS系统的部分优点。该系统是在公安部交通安全产品检测中心、中国人民公安大学的专家指导下设计完成。UTC1000集中协调式交通信号控制机由插卡式主控CPU板、灯组驱动板、电源板、通讯板、车辆检测器接口板、扩展板等多种功能模块插件板,以及配电板、总线板、接线端子排等组成。该产品已经按照国家标准,通过公安部交通安全产品监测中心的全项检测(编号2004024,2010230,2011255),并获得了国家专利(ZL01254878.2)。该产品已经在国内110多个城市得到推广应用,并出口到7个国家。功能与特点: 系统通讯方式多样:可采用光缆,PSTN公用电话网、无线电专网等联网方式。  信号机的设置方式灵活:具备指挥中心设置、手提电脑现场设置,利用本机的键盘与LED显示屏现场设置。 采用了EMC电磁兼容性设计技术,系统具备抗浪涌(雷电)冲击,抗周期跌落,抗群脉冲干扰,抗静电干扰的能力,具有很好的电磁兼容性。 采用了模块化结构,利用工业现场总线技术,具有很好的系统可扩展性.根据工程要求,可扩展:三色倒计时的实时显示,VMS交通信息发布,路口语言提示等。 具备多种控制模式:多时段多方案[设有16种时段控制方案(节假日、平时、周末),18个时段,16个配时方案,夜晚黄闪与熄灯方案] 交通管制手动控制定周期控制感应控制(需要外接车辆检测器)指挥中心步进控制干线协调控制(绿波带)自适应协调控制 具备绿冲突保护,具备过载与漏电保护。对系统硬件、软件的工作状态和故障情况进行全面监视。 支持远程监视 ,路口灯组状态可在指挥中心实时显示。 支持多种车辆检测器:视频、超声波、多普勒效应雷达、环形线圈。 48路(16组)机动车三色灯驱动与检测,每路驱动能力为600W(AC220V),并全部采用了光电转换隔离技术。 16路(8组)人行二色灯驱动与检测,每路驱动能力大于600W(AC220V),并全部采用了光电转换隔离技术。 所有灯组的灯泡是否正常工作,都能及时反映到指挥中心。 降级顺序:指挥中心控制-无电缆协调控制-多时段多方案-定周期控制-黄闪。 技术指标:  断电保护:时钟可保证停电60天不丢失。配时方案与设置的各种控制方案,可保证10年不丢失。 交流输入: AC80V-264V  输入交流功耗 ≤15W (不包括信号灯功耗) 额定电流:20A。 工作温度:-40℃ ~+70℃  相对湿度 45~95%  绝缘电阻:电源插头与机壳间的绝缘电阻 ≥100MΩ。 光缆上数据通讯速度:9600BPS  时钟精度:0.1秒,日误差±1S,停电二个月,时钟仍可运行。 符合IEC801-2,-4,-5,EN50082 When a signal is installed, multiple 2 meter by 2 meter coils of wire are placed under the road surface. These wires are connected to the controller equipment. A small electrical signal is present on the wires and when a vehicle drives over the loops it changes the inductance value on the wire. This change of inductance is recognized as a vehicle presence and the controller acts accordingly. Vehicles should always stop at the white "stop bar" painted on the road. This is where the last loop in your lane is located. Usually there are multiple loops per lane in order to achieve good vehicle detection. Loops can also count vehicles. The UTC1000 Vehicle Actuated Controller be designed based on“GA47-2002 Vehicle signal Controller standard”.and passed the examnation do by the traffic saffty product quality supervision testing center of china . 1、Operation modes: 1.1、 Pre timed: The signal serves each phase of traffic without sensing any traffic at the signal. user specifiable cycle and approach times.It has 16 day plans ,and every day can be dived into 18 timing durations,overise,there are 16 timing plans can be selectde in every timing durations. 1.2、 Semi Actuated: The main flow of traffic won’t sense any traffic, but the side street senses cars. 1.3、 Fully Actuated: All phases of traffic sense cars and the signal cycles on demand. The controller is programmed for minimum and maximum green times. The green phase of traffic will terminate in two ways: The green phase served its maximum time, or the phase "gapped out" (excessive amounts of time between cars). 1.4、Panel display simulating the lanes and the pavements at the crossing 1.5、It is equipped with the manual/automatic control modes. Press "auto/manual" button to enter the manual mode. The signal light maintains the current status and with each pressing of the Manual button, the signal light changes the current procedure. In the normal operation mode, the controller displays the current time 1.6、Auto testing the green conflict. In case of green conflict, it automatically becomes yellow flash . 1.7、Equipped with upgrading board and RS-232, communication ports, to realize the connection to the central computer and the auto checking of the traffic flow。 1.8、Remote wireless control function is selectable. 2、Features and Specifications: 2.1、Display:8 LED numeric Display 2.2、Traffic Control : expandable intersection control up to 16 Vehicle signal groups ,16 Pedestrian signal groups. 2.3、built-in 16 different timing.maximum 18 timing segments execuition per day. 2.4、Up to 16 vehicle detectors. 2.5、keyboaed: 21 keybuttons。 2.6、Working temperature. -40℃ to 70℃ 2.7、Optional operation modes include semi or fully vehicle actuated. 2.8、8 phases, confict monitoring. 2.9、Power Suply Voltage: 220VAC±20% 50Hz±3Hz 2.10、Cabinet:IP45 2.11、Communication : RS232C 9600BPS. OR TCP/IP RJ45 .
UTC2000集中协调式交通控制软件系统 城市交通控制系统(UTCS, Urban Traffic Control System)是现代智能交通系统(ITS ,Intelligent transport system)的重要组成之一,主要用于城市道路交通的控制与管理。UTC2000系列交通信号控制系统,是在公安部交通安全产品检测中心和中国人民公安大学专家的指导下设计完成,其设计依据主要是新国标GA47-2002、并吸收了著名的日本京三信号控制系统和SCATS、SCOOTS、SAINCO系统的部分优点。该产品已获得国家专利(ZL01254878.2)。 中心系统软件包含设置、监测、方案生成等模块。
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